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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Animal Kingdom (with a million other guests!)

After a Disney World drought of 8 long months I just had to get my Disney fix. Just like any other person looking for a fix, I failed to use my good judgment as to WHEN to get that fix! So, on December 28, 2011 (along with my youngest daughter), headed to Walt Disney World. After years of being a loyal pass holder, I really should have known better!

We pulled into the parking lot of the Animal Kingdom, knowing that with the Florida temps dropping into the 50's the animals would be frisky and enjoying a break from our usual warm temps. Holy moly, we had no idea what we were about to get into! We walked back to hop on the Kilimanjaro Safari, which is the largest of all Disney attractions! The stand by line time was matched by the fast pass return time so we decided to do standby, it was only a one hour wait and the queue line winds through lots of fun places so we hopped in line. It turns out that the stand by wait was 1 hour and 56 minutes but we finally found ourselves sitting in a truck with our new found friends from line and off we went! No disappointment here (aside from the really long wait). The Okapis were plentiful and the giraffes were close enough to touch, but we know better than to touch! Our tour was stopped, briefly, by three amazing Rhinos who decided to block the road for about 5 minutes! Before long we were on our way again with some fantastic photos! The male and female lions were almost posing as the male gave the female a lick on the head! Sadly, the driver moved on all too quickly and a great photo op was missed. :-( The elephants were awesome and for the first time one of the Hippos was sunning on the water's edge, pretty cool! Too soon, the ride was over and our hostess was bidding us kwheri, which is Swahili for goodbye.

Soon after we left the park and enjoyed some food at the Rain Forest Cafe', which is located just outside of the park entrance! But really, what were we thinking? Visiting Disney between Christmas and New Year's???

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